
Wednesday, December 07, 2011

To catch the moon...

Salam and hi to all,

Well, tonight's project would be about the moon. How to capture the moon? Through trial-and-error, I have managed to 'catch' the moon. The moon is at its 3/4 size tonight. Using my trusted kit-lens EF-S 18-135mm IS, I have spent about 1 hour 30 minutes focusing on the moon and trying to 'capture' it.

The result is not that great. Below is my best take out of a batch of photo I have taken tonight. The photo has been cropped from its original size (18 mega-pixel resolution)

Even after it is cropped, the moon looked too small and lacked detail. After doing some reading from the links below :

I have realized that I would need a much longer focal length lens (as mentioned in one of the article - minimum focal length is 200mm) thus my kit-lens does not qualify. Below is an example of photo taken by a photographer in the article mentioned above using a prime lens of 400mm focal length.

(The photo serves as an example only. It's credits and copyrights are wholly owned by inkista)

Well, at least I have tried. Maybe I would repeat this little project some time in the future when I have the appropriate telephoto or super telephoto lens needed to 'capture the moon'.

Until next time, wassalam and good bye.