
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bought a new tripod...

After much debated mishaps on my part, the old tripod which I bought a year or two ago was broken. Sad but true, the tripod was broken and in need of replacement. Taking photo without a tripod when it is needed is not an enjoyable situation at all. As many photographers (and videographers too) would have said, a tripod greatly helps in keeping the camera (video recorder) still or unshaken. It is also instrumental to capture still photos such portraits, landscape shots such as mountain ranges or even sea shores during sunset/sunrise.

Thus, the search for a new tripod began. After many hours of research (forums and reviews), I finally made my mind on a Velbon VS-443D. A tripod designed to be multi-purposed in its usage. It is useful in normal use portrait and landscape shots as well as allows for capture of images at close range or macro shooting.

Below is a few photos and a youtube video review of the tripod. The review showed how flexible and dynamic the tripod is thus allowing for multitude of ways to capture images and videos.


The pros:
  1. The build quality is excellent. The whole tripod is made of aluminium except for the ball-head which is made of magnesium (which is also very good).
  2. The ball-head can be tilted and locked according to my needs. As a result, the camera can be freely positioned (for example: upside down, at awkward angle etc).
  3. The total height of the tripod (after all 4 leg sections are extended) is good enough for me. I do not have to bend over just to compose my shots through the viewfinder all the time.
  4. Multitude of positions it can accommodate to suit my photo shoot needs.
  5. It is not heavy to carry (about 1.85kg). A bag is provided out-of-the-box for easy carry.
  6. The price is within my budget. :)
The cons:
  1. The ideal weight for this tripod is about 3kg. The maximum load it can support is about 5kg. Well, first of all, this is not a big problem for me as total weight of my camera (camera+semi-telefoto lens+flash) would not exceed 3kg. Thus it is more suited for use with camera (compact or DSLR) and light-weight video recorder.
All-in-all, I think I have made a good decision on purchasing this tripod.

Well, what do you think?

Bird perching on a branch...

Captured these images of a bird perching on a branch near where I parked my car. What a fortunate shoot they were. Thanks birdie for letting me capture your magnificent perching moments.

Camera Settings
 126.0mm focal length, 1/200 @ f5.6, ISO 200

Camera Settings
 135.0mm focal length, 1/80 @ f5.6, ISO 200

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Satu tengah hari di Putrajaya...

Kami bercadang nak breakfast masa tu. Tapi dah lewat sangat. Dan pada masa yang sama nak breakfast kat tempat yang agak menarik. Scenic lah sket. Akhirnya kami ke tepi tasik berdekatan dengan PICC. Makan-makan sambil berborak. Afif pulak asyik nak minta kami temankan dia kat playground berdekatan. Gambar-gambar di bawah adalah sebahagian daripada permandangan di sekitar kawasan tu.

Camera Settings
 25.0mm focal length, 1/160 @ f22.0, ISO 320

Caption: I like the reflection...

Camera Settings
 29.0mm focal length, 1/160 @ f22.0, ISO 400

Camera Settings
 135.0mm focal length, 1/160 @ f20.0, ISO 400

Caption: Sekawan burung sedang cari makan di situ. Apa lagi... photo shoot lah...

Camera Settings
 113.0mm focal length, 1/160 @ f16.0, ISO 400

Caption: Kemudian burung-burung ni boleh panjat tangga. Hihihi...


Assalamu'alaikum dan selamat sejahtera semua.

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